Think back
Exploration, Teens Shawn Helvey Exploration, Teens Shawn Helvey

Think back

One of the most valuable exercises that can be done to understand our reaction to our teen is to look at our beliefs and values that formed as a result of that time in our own lives. To do this effectively, we must be as objective as possible and this can be tricky.

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Navigating uncertainty
Fear, Teens Shawn Helvey Fear, Teens Shawn Helvey

Navigating uncertainty

In our lives, uncertainty is most often associated with fear. When we don’t know what will happen, our minds can run amok and, if left unchecked, can lead to regular thoughts of what we imagine will be the worst possible outcome.

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Stop fighting with your teenager
Conflict resolution, Teens Shawn Helvey Conflict resolution, Teens Shawn Helvey

Stop fighting with your teenager

It amazes me how often I hear that this is the hardest time to grow up as a teenager. The agreed upon culprit: social media. While I do think that growing up in a digital world adds novel challenges to the period of adolescence I’m amazed because, as far as I can tell, it’s always been tough to develop through the teen years.

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